
シンたんイタリアデビューシンたんが、無事にイタリアでデビューした!親善試合だけど、"Convincing debut"だって!"Japanese star"には、ちょっと笑ってしまったけど、なんかとってもいい感じやん!





Convincing debut And Victoria 3-0 With The ostiano Shin Takahashi immediately good protagonist

A convincing debut for the formation of Manu Benelli, for the first time on the bench of the PalaCia, with the absolute debut in biancorosso for the Japanese star Takahashi suffered in great evidence and for the central Crozzolins and Arrighetti that have well impressed.

In departure coach Manu Benelli has lined up the alzatrice From the Igna in regal in diagonal with the other young Tirozzi, to the center the novelty Crozzolin to make couple with the eternal Paccagnella, in place 4 initially the two important grafts of the renewed formation biancorossa: the Japanese Shin Miyuki Takahashi and the U.S. citizen Monique "Adams".

In the third set the Capitalacque Vicenza leaves again with Borrelli and "Adams" in place 4, with Shin to rest and the novelty Arrighetti to the center that immediately puts the seal on the debut biancorosso with a winning wall and with two aces.

Takahashi 12, (←背番号は11だから12点取ったっていうこと?)